School Nurse and Health Services
Answers to frequently asked questions about when your child is sick and George Mason school health services
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I do when my child is sick?
Please call the school or email to let us know that your child is going to be absent. Also, please be prepared to describe your child’s symptoms. It is important for the school to know if your child is exhibiting flu-like symptoms to track patterns. According to the Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) Code of Student Conduct/Student Guidelines, students who are absent must bring a valid note from a parent or guardian stating the reason for absence upon returning to school. If your child has been seen by a doctor, a note from the doctor is preferred. And remember – your child may not return to school until he or she has been fever-free and vomit-free without the aid of fever-reducing medication, for twenty-four hours.
If my child needs medication, should I send it to the teacher?
No. Parents must bring the medication to the school’s nurse, along with one of the following forms. For over-the-counter medicine, a Parent Authorization form must be signed. This allows the school to give medication for three consecutive days. Otherwise, a doctor needs to fill out the Medication Authorization form. Please see Lisa McGeorge, our School Nurse, for a form copy. Please contact the nurse regarding any and all health-related issues with your child.
How are children with nut allergies protected during lunch?
We have designated “nut-free” tables in the lunchroom to protect children with severe nut allergies. Other students are welcome to join their friends at these tables as long as they have nut-free lunches. Please discuss nut allergies with Ms. McGeorge, our School Nurse and with your child’s homeroom teacher. Depending on the severity of the allergy, specific classrooms may be designated as “nut-free”. Ms. McGeorge will send home information to families in these classrooms.
School Nurse
Lisa McGeorge, BSN RN
ACPS Health Services
ACPS is fortunate to have a registered nurse in every school. These experienced health care professionals are available during the entire school day to respond to the health care needs of students. In addition to the traditional school nurse activities, our school health program has several special projects which are positively impacting the health of our school community.
Visit the ACPS website to learn more about ACPS School Health Services and policies, including medication administration in school, illness guidelines, screenings and immunizations.