George Mason's academic program includes reading, language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science with an infusion of technology. The school also offers:
- Art instruction with a certified art teacher once a week
- Vocal music instruction with a certified music teacher once a week
- Instrumental music lessons beginning in fourth grade
- Two physical education classes a week with a certified P.E. teacher
- Strong program for talented and gifted children who perform above their Grade level academically or who have special ability in art and/or music
- Instruction in family life education at levels appropriate to age
- Special Education Programs
- ESL Programs
Frequently Asked Questions
How much homework should I expect my child(ren) to bring home?
The Alexandria City Public School Board’s policy is that homework be an important and positive part of the educational experience, because it strengthens basic skills and helps students become independent learners and develop a sense of responsibility. Creative assignments allow students to extend their learning beyond the classroom. Homework is assigned regularly in Grades 1-5 and is appropriate to the age and stage of development. It is for the student to complete independently, as it is an extension of teacher-directed lessons. Children usually get homework four nights a week. Excluding independent reading time, the following guidelines 12 have been established by the School Board for homework: Grades K – 2: 10-20 minutes, Grades 3 – 5: 30- 60 minutes.
Whom do I contact to ask about Special Ed? Speech concerns?
Mrs. Buckley coordinates all of the special education meetings at George Mason. Feel free to contact her should you have questions regarding your child’s current special education services or concerns. You can also contact your child’s special education teacher and case manager, or speech pathologist.
Whom do I contact to ask about the Advanced Academic Services (AAS) Program?
Our Advanced Academic Services program information can be found on the ACPS website.
What is the process for being identified for the Advanced Academic Studies program?
The AAS plan as well as other information on the program will be found on the ACPS website.
Reading issues? Developmental or social concerns?
Please talk with your child’s teacher first. He/she will direct you to the appropriate staff member who can best assist you with addressing your needs.
What supplemental reading support is offered to students?
Reading Intervention is provided to first-grade students who meet the requirements of the program. Teachers may also refer students to our after-school tutoring program.
Does George Mason have a tutoring program? If so, how can my child participate?
Westminster Church and the George Mason PTA sponsor our after school tutoring program that meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the library. Teachers recommend students in need of academic support. Community volunteers, church members and parents participate in the program and tutor students in grades 2-5. Parent volunteers are always welcome to tutor. If interested, contact the front office. In addition, George Mason works closely with Community Lodgings, a non-profit that provides tutoring and enrichment. There will be a Fall informational night for families to review the components of the newly revised ACPS AAS plan and information will be posted on the district’s website. It’s always a good idea to start by speaking with your child’s teacher.
What is Family Life Education?
As instructed via the Virginia Department of Education, age-appropriate Family Life Education in grades K- 5. The following content areas may be covered: 1. Family living and community relationships; 2. Development of positive self-concepts and respect for others; 3. Parenting skills; 4. Substance use and abuse; 13 5. Education about and awareness of mental health issues. If you have additional questions, please see the classroom or PE teachers. If you wish to “opt-out” please work with the school principal, Mr. Finan.